COVID Diaries Week 32: Calendarize!

First week back in full-time work for 7 months. Number one focus: time management. Keep up, Anthony! There is a lot going on, many people to meet, much to understand.

I have to get to know lots of people, and ask many questions so I can get to value add ASAP. This means….meetings.

Probably 20 by the end of Friday; more than that next week. This overhead is accentuated by remote work. There is no serendipity right now, no casual encounter. It is time to calendarize!

One thing I love in my new job: meetings start on time. Hot dang! I have been so conditioned to sloping in 5 minutes late, to answer a few emails before the meeting actually begins on T +15 when the HIPPO walks in.

I appreciate timeliness. It keeps the energy high, the spidey sense that things have to move forward in order to get to the next meeting where it all begins again.

I am currently adding things up: reading documents in advance, asking questions and taking neutral, observant and reflective positions to gain breakthrough of understanding in the 1-2-1 meetings; then writing up my notes and reviewing them with a SME or boss. “Am I heading in the right direction? Am I picking up the right vibes?”

So far, so good. This is fun.

This Much We Know.

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