Fiendish Child: What We Have For Lunch Matters

The ability to socialize – communicate, build a network, prosper with people of all persuasions – is an ability that all young people do not have, apparently.

They are stuck behind screens of various dimensions and mobility! They are playing video games for 30 hours A DAY! They are all flaming and trolling innocent others and punishing all and sundry with nary a thought for hurt and shame! They have lost the ability to speak and have grown massive thumbs with which they grab the world and shake it…

All of it nonsense.

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You Fiendish Child! Letting The Kids Cut Through Workplace Bullshit

I often used to annoy my mum with my ‘cleverness’ – y’know, glib responses to important questions, portraying her 40-odd years of experience had nothing on a random school playground conversation with a friend.  Very annoying, especially when I was right! “Aaaah, you fiendish child!” she would often retort. It is a term that often now comes to mind when my eldest, Lola, tries on her all-knowingness routine. What goes around, comes around. — When I think about issues and opportunities arising from the discussion around social business and technology and the changing nature of work, I keep searching for something supremely, … Continue reading You Fiendish Child! Letting The Kids Cut Through Workplace Bullshit